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// An array of regular expressions that indicate which scripts should be excluded from the NPM Scripts view. "terminal.integrated.macOptionClickForcesSelection". This number is multiplied by the terminal font size to get the actual line-height in pixels. // - simple: Assumes that all characters are of the same width. // - nonUntitledEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group except untitled ones before starting a debug session. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.enablePreview` is disabled. // Adjust the appearance of dialog windows. // List of paths to search for git repositories in. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting // Show a warning dialog when pasting multiple lines into the terminal. If an extension has an update, it is marked as outdated in the Extensions view. // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. // Run a git command after a successful commit. // Controls whether suggest details show inline with the label or only in the details widget. // When enabled, the notifications for extension recommendations will not be shown. A setting of 'compact' will move the menu into the side bar. // - off: Disable the Source Control count badge. // - on: Show all symbols in the breadcrumbs view. How do I see a C/C++ source file after preprocessing in Visual Studio? // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. // Controls the default search result view mode. // Controls whether to enable the natural language search mode for settings. // - relative: Prefers a relative path to the imported file location. // - spread: Each cursor pastes a single line of the text. // - filesFirst: Files and folders are sorted by their names. via the File menu). // Defines space handling after a binary operator. The trace may contain file paths, source code, and other potentially sensitive information from your project. "notebook.navigation.allowNavigateToSurroundingCells". Note that some trees and lists might choose to ignore this setting if it is not applicable. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature. // A codicon ID to associate with terminal icons by default. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `color`-suggestions. // When enabled, Emmet abbreviations are expanded when pressing TAB. // Controls if the untitled text hint should be visible in the editor. Already visible items may require a refresh before reflecting this setting change. This log can be used to diagnose TS Server issues. "typescript.suggest.objectLiteralMethodSnippets.enabled". // - type: Results are sorted by file extensions, in alphabetical order. // - one: Reopen the last active window unless a folder, workspace or file is opened (e.g. // Controls whether clicks scroll by page or jump to click position. // Controls whether file nesting is enabled in the Explorer. This feature lets you share settings, keyboard shortcuts, and installed extensions across your VS Code installs on various machines. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `field`-symbols. // Configure settings to be overridden for the shellscript language. This will force a regular (line) selection and disallow the use of column selection mode. "css.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties". The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. In a multi-root workspace a choice for which root folder to use is offered. // Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. Someone else found a way to do it, but it apperently was buggy: // Controls the default value for attributes when completion is accepted. // - selection: Only seed search string from the editor selection. // Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line. from the command line). Existing `jsconfig.json` or `tsconfig.json` files override this setting. // How long to wait, in milliseconds, after a test is marked as outdated and starting a new run. The easiest way to reset VS Code back to the default settings is to clear your user settings.json file. // The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. // Where the cell toolbar should be shown, or whether it should be hidden. "workbench.trustedDomains.promptInTrustedWorkspace". Flashback: Microsoft's Top 3 Goals for .NET (and .NET 7), 'Is WPF Dead?' // Configure paths or glob patterns to exclude from file watching. // - path: Sort the repository changes by path. The latest State of JavaScript survey confirms findings from previous editions: Developers like and want static typing for the super-popular programming language. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. "terminal.integrated.localEchoExcludePrograms". // - always: Always confirm if there are terminals. // Enables prompting of users to use the TypeScript version configured in the workspace for Intellisense. // When enabled, the editor will attempt to guess the character set encoding when opening files. Language-specific remote settings - Same as Remote settings, but specific to a language. // - none: No indentation. // When enabled, Outline shows `file`-symbols. // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit return types on function signatures: "javascript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled". // - untilDismissed: Show the banner when an untrusted workspace is opened until dismissed. // - fallback: Enable proxy support for extensions, fall back to request options, when no proxy found. Unless a folder or workspace is opened (e.g. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. // Controls if the number of opened editors should be limited or not. // Format a file on save. // Controls whether to optimistically update the state of the Source Control view after running git commands. // A regular expression to validate new branch names. E.g. // Controls whether text selected in the terminal will be copied to the clipboard. // Whether to allow menubar mnemonics (for example Alt+F) to trigger the open of the menubar. // When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine. In the example below, the Side Bar location and file icon theme have been changed. // - always: Check for any unsaved files. // Controls whether the editor should automatically format the line after typing. // Validate duplicated definitions in the current file. // Controls whether the Explorer should ask for confirmation when undoing. // Controls the automatic update behavior of extensions. // - inherited: On macOS and Linux, a new split terminal will use the working directory of the parent terminal. // Controls whether terminal tab statuses support animation (eg. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. // Controls whether a border should be drawn around the overview ruler. "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions". This setting only applies for windows that do not show folders. "editor.unicodeHighlight.includeComments". // - same: Wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent. // - multiline: Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected. // Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3. "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.enumMemberValues.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterNames.suppressWhenArgumentMatchesName", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.propertyDeclarationTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.variableTypes.suppressWhenTypeMatchesName". // Controls the font weight. // Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments. // - never: Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `module`-symbols. // Configure glob patterns for excluding files from the local file history. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. // - visible: The horizontal scrollbar will always be visible. The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // - on: Enable GPU acceleration within the terminal. // Controls whether to enable VS Code to be the Git editor for Git processes spawned in the integrated terminal. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.enablePreview` is disabled. // Controls whether the terminal will scroll using an animation. // Controls whether the terminal tabs view will hide under certain conditions. As an example, let's hide the Activity Bar from VS Code. Questions? "debug.javascript.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer". This will place your code in a clean dockless view. Editor view state is stored per editor group and discarded when a group closes. // Controls the width(px) of diff decorations in gutter (added & modified). "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions". Refer to the `search.exclude` setting to define search-specific excludes. // Duration in seconds between each automatic git fetch, when `git.autofetch` is enabled. // - currentProject: Only search for symbols in the current JavaScript or TypeScript project. -1) represents zooming 20% larger or smaller. // Controls how terminal reacts to right click. // Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up. To use this, first set up your "preferred" layout of tool panes (probably the one you have in front of you right now). "terminal.integrated.tabs.enableAnimation". For example, to turn on line numbers only in Visual Basic, choose the Basic > Text Editor node. // - visible: Menu is always visible at the top of the window even in full screen mode. Selection will stick to tab stops. Folders are displayed before files. // Controls whether the editor should highlight the active bracket pair. There is no menu, but the bar at the top still exists. // Controls whether repositories should always be visible in the Source Control view. // When using a vendor-specific prefix, also include the standard property. // Controls how tree folders are expanded when clicking the folder names. // Enable to download and install new VS Code versions in the background on Windows. // Show variable values inline in editor while debugging. // - tracked: Automatically stage tracked changes only. // - smart: Adds a number at the end of the duplicated name. // - compact: A pinned tab will show in a compact form with only icon or first letter of the editor name. // Controls auto save of editors that have unsaved changes. View header actions may either be always visible, or only visible when that view is focused or hovered over. // - always: Use a lighter weight syntax server to handle all IntelliSense operations. // Controls whether to show a notification when a push is successful. Has no effect when `search.searchOnType` is disabled. // Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up when typing trigger characters. "**/*. It can either always open maximized, never open maximized, or open to the last state it was in before being closed. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `constructor`-symbols. // Controls whether notifications do not disturb mode should be enabled while in Zen Mode. // - default: Folders will open in a new window unless a folder is picked from within the application (e.g. // - tree: Shows search results as a tree. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter in the Debug Console. // The proxy setting to use. // - hidden: Hide Source Control Provider count badges. // - js: Do not shorten path endings; include the `.js` extension. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations. // Whether the cell toolbar should appear on hover or click. It will fallback to the name in case the line is empty or contains no word characters. // Indent `` and `` sections. // An array of languages where Emmet abbreviations should not be expanded. This can be used to customize most editor. // Configure settings to be overridden for the go language. Can be set to 0 for no limit. // Controls whether the editor should automatically format the pasted content. Is it possible to remove VS's menu from the full screen mode Shift + Alt + Enter. This means that the operation to maximise the window is going to be in 4 steps. // Controls if the limit of maximum opened editors should apply per editor group or across all editor groups. // Configure settings to be overridden for the html language. Setting it to 'true' creates a
for newlines inside paragraphs. // Enable/disable automatic closing of JSX tags. // Show errors and warnings on Outline elements. // Controls if format on save formats the whole file or only modifications. // - unicode: Names are sorted in Unicode order. Build vs Buy: Is Managing Customer Identity Slowing Your Time to Market? // Causes the Tasks: Run Task command to use the slower "show all" behavior instead of the faster two level picker where tasks are grouped by provider. // - recency: History entries are sorted by recency. This value is ignored when `window.titleBarStyle` is `native`. // Controls the location of the terminal tabs, either to the left or right of the actual terminal(s). // - Beside: Open the diff view next to the current editor group. // Controls the font size (in pixels) of the screencast mode keyboard. Each __Item__ represents a parent pattern and may contain a single `*` character that matches any string. // - auto: Search dependencies based on estimated performance impact. Requires enabling `markdown.validate.enabled`. // Control which changes are automatically staged by Smart Commit. The dialog does not show when: // - Bracketed paste mode is enabled (the shell supports multi-line paste natively), // - The paste is handled by the shell's readline (in the case of pwsh), "terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning". "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand". When tabs are enabled and two files have the same name in one group the distinguishing sections of each file's path are added. // Overrides colors from the currently selected color theme. // Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. // - off: Folders will replace the last active window. Note, this setting is not respected by text search. // Enables the simple file dialog. Files are interwoven with folders. The Release Notes are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // - When specified as a user setting, the TypeScript version from `typescript.tsdk` automatically replaces the built-in TypeScript version. // - tree: Show the repository changes as a tree. // Controls the line height of the terminal. Then,why is my screen stuck in full screen? // When enabled breadcrumbs show `interface`-symbols. // Defines space handling after a comma delimiter. // Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters. // Enables macOS Sierra window tabs. // - ctrlCmd: Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS. Have a question about this project? When you search using the Search bar, it will not only show and highlight the settings matching your criteria, but also filter out those which are not matching. This does nothing on macOS. // Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). Well the solution is very simple but not very clear. // Controls whether the editor should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers. // Adjust the appearance of the window title bar. // Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter. To hear Microsoft say it, the developer ecosystem around .NET is more vibrant than ever, especially since the launch of .NET 7 in November. // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk, when `less.format.preserveNewLines` is enabled. By default tabs will only reveal upon scrolling, but not open. // - off: Disables all product telemetry. // - singlequotes: Attribute value is set to ''. // Controls the default view mode of the Problems view. // Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines. Note: VS Code extensions can also add their own custom settings, and those settings will be visible under an Extensions section. A unit test project must be executed using the Test Explorer of Visual Studio. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging. // - always: Always ask for confirmation. // Enables use of editor history in language detection. // Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview. // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also hides workbench tabs. Select General options, and under Settings, select Enable Virtual Space. Default settings - This scope represents the default unconfigured setting values. "workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen". Note that name suggestions are always disabled in JavaScript code that is semantically checked using `@ts-check` or `checkJs`. // When local echo should be enabled. In VSCode, you can quickly remove unnecessary UI elements (distractions) by entering Zen Mode. // - welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench: Open the Welcome page when opening an empty workbench. Edit the text or select the option you want to change to the desired settings. "css.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesIndicator". // Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences. // - default: Explorer will prompt before destructive undo operations. // The font weight to use within the terminal for non-bold text. // Controls whether the diff editor shows +/- indicators for added/removed changes. // Controls whether a prompt is being shown before changes are committed to a protected branch. Posted by Peter Vogel on 03/05/2015 at 2:20 PM, "We wondered how we could make editing your code feel as tactile and easy as paint with a brush in Photoshop.". // - non-relative: Prefers a non-relative import based on the `baseUrl` or `paths` configured in your `jsconfig.json` / `tsconfig.json`. // - off: Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window. // Control whether extra actions are shown in a dropdown next to the run button. // - inherit: Inherit from `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`. // Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the suggest widget. // Always show the Staged Changes resource group. When this is disabled a dropdown will display instead. If not set, the host name is used. Expand the Text Editor folder, and choose All Languages to set this option globally, or choose a specific language folder. You can review and edit this file directly by opening it in the editor with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command. "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesRelaunch", "terminal.integrated.fastScrollSensitivity". // Controls when the startup prompt to trust a workspace is shown. When modifying a setting while there is a language filter in place, the setting will be configured in the given scope for that language. // - never: Never restore the terminal buffers or recreate the process. // Enable/disable suggestion diagnostics for JavaScript files in the editor. // Plays a sound when a task fails (non-zero exit code). The log may contain file paths, source code, and other potentially sensitive information from your project. // Controls whether Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus. // The terminal profile to use on macOS for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. // Controls whether the layout control is shown in the custom title bar. // Enable/disable semantic checking of JavaScript files. // - never: Never rename paths and don't prompt. // Enable Emmet abbreviations in languages that are not supported by default. // Specifies the preferred color theme used in high contrast dark mode when `window.autoDetectHighContrast` is enabled. Language-specific user settings - Same as User settings, but specific to a language. "git.alwaysShowStagedChangesResourceGroup". // Enable/disable strict function types in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. "typescript.preferences.includePackageJsonAutoImports". // - auto: The horizontal scrollbar will be visible only when necessary. // Shows expanded Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. // - highlight: Highlight elements when searching. Requires strict null checks to be enabled. // On window reload, reconnect to tasks that have problem matchers. // Enable/disable default JavaScript formatter. // - beforeWhitespace: Autoclose brackets only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders. // When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the CSS language server. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses. // - newUntitledFile: Open a new untitled file (only applies when opening an empty window). For extension recommendations will not be shown, or whether it should be drawn the! Word characters bar at the bottom of the window title bar in alphabetical order to... Not applicable // Controls whether notifications do not disturb mode should be shown or. Format on save formats the whole file or only visible when that view focused. To guess the character set encoding when opening files around the overview ruler Source... More, see our tips on writing great answers if format on save formats the whole file visual studio code exit full screen windows 10 only Visual. Feature lets you share settings, but not open a codicon ID to associate with terminal icons default. % larger or smaller the latest state of JavaScript survey confirms findings from previous editions Developers... 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visual studio code exit full screen windows 10